• Dianita Veronica Lantang Politeknik AMI Makassar
Keywords: Nozzle, Diesel Engine, Inspection


This study aims to determine the cause of the leaking nozzle on the diesel engine and the consequences caused by the object of research on the ship MT.NURHASANAH LIMA. Identifying leaks is done by testing manually by inflating the tester that has been installed on the fuel pipe tightly and pumping the lever until it reaches the normal point of fogging. After reaching the normal point, close the valve on the fuel, wait for a while and if the pressure in the manometer decreases, the injector has a leak. Then if there is a leak, the injector is measured and retested until there is no leakage. The data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and literature study and data analysis techniques used are qualitative descriptive analysis methods. From the research conducted, it was found that the nozzle leak in the diesel engine was caused by the presence of fine dirt that clogs the nozzle needle. This fine dirt in the form of dust or sand that clumps in the nozzle and sticks to it which makes the nozzle leak so that the result is also wear and tear on the nozzle.


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How to Cite
Veronica Lantang, D. (2022). PENYEBAB NOZZLE BOCOR PADA MESIN DIESEL DI KAPAL MT. NURHASANAH LIMA. PAKKAPPALA : Jurnal Ilmiah Kemaritiman, 1(1), 24-27. Retrieved from